Suazilândia, All Africa Eswatini, Inglês


The Kingdom of Eswatini is keen to take a leaf from the success stories of Zimbabwe in the area of infrastructural development and agriculture while seeking partnerships in other key sectors.

A delegation from the Kingdom of Eswatini led by King Mswati III’s son, Prince Lindani Nkosi, yesterday toured the New Parliament Building in Mt Hampden where they were charmed by the magnificent structure and pledged to replicate it back home.

Speaking after the tour, Prince Lindani Nkosi said the two nations have several areas where they can exchange notes.

“He (President Mnangagwa) did mention that since we are here to look at many opportunities, we can partner with the Republic of Zimbabwe.

“There are many areas that impressed us. As I said before, Zimbabwe is ahead in terms of agriculture, so we are looking for partnerships,” he said.

Prince Lindani Nkosi thanked President Mnangagwa for allowing them to come and view the magnificent New Parliament Building.

“The President said we must see the Parliament as we are also in the process of constructing our parliament in the Kingdom of Eswatini.

“This is a good experience for all of us to come and view the beautiful building and take notes on how things are done in other countries,” he said.

The striking six-storey circular New Parliament Building, an embodiment of splendour is, indeed, more than just an imposing edifice, as it also testifies to the positivity of shared expectations.

Prince Lindani Nkosi on Monday met President Mnangagwa at State House where he had come to deliver a special message from King Mswati III.

Zimbabwe and Eswatini enjoy cordial bilateral relations with King Mswati III officially opening last year’s Zimbabwe International Trade Fair in Bulawayo.


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