Fiji, Fiji Live, Inglês


The Fiji Labour Party has launched a series of attacks against the Prime Minister’s decision to reinstate Government backbencher and SODELPA leader Aseri Radrodro as the Minister for Education.

In a statement, FLP Leader Mahendra Chaudhry said the reinstatement of Radrodro in just three months after he was removed for insubordination and disobedience casts grave doubt on the Prime Minister’s commitment to lead the nation with honour, integrity and dignity.

The former Prime Minister said insubordination and disobedience are serious offences and the Prime Minister was correct in refusing Radrodro’s request for reinstatement when he presented his apology by way of a matanigasau.

Chaudhry questioned why the about turn now.

“Is the shocking reinstatement because of SODELPA’s veiled threat following its leadership change, that unless Radrodro was reinstated its support could be withdrawn causing the collapse of the Coalition Government?”

“We believe the reinstatement deal was sealed last weekend before SODELPA announced, at the close of its Annual General Meeting that it would maintain its support of the coalition.”

Chaudhry highlighted that Rabuka now says that Radrodro was removed for just three months.

He said if that was the case, then why was it not made known at the time? And why did Radrodro keep asking to be reinstated? Rabuka must stop justifying his wrongs by resorting to lies and trying to fool the people.

“This is yet another despicable instance where the Coalition leaders have demonstrated their willingness to sink to the lowest to retain power.”

“The nation was shocked and the Prime Minister’s own People’s Alliance Party was deeply divided when he rejected the findings of its disciplinary committee on the alleged misconduct of ministers Radrodro and Lynda Tabuya while on official engagement in Melbourne, as guests of the Australian government.”

“Not long afterwards Radrodro was removed as Minister over charges unrelated to the Melbourne incident. Tabuya was spared after the Prime Minister made the astonishing claim that he had not received an official complaint about the incident,” the former prime minister claimed.

FijiLive has reached out to the Office of the Prime Minister for a comment on the matter.


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